Epic training manual
Epic training manual

epic training manual

Our training team developed this plan after consultation with Epic, peer institutions, and colleagues who have worked in Epic previously. If unable to access this link, type "unch\" in front of your user ID. Epic Ehr User Guide epic hyperspace training manual epic ehr training manual epic emr training instruction manual epic care emr manual samsung epic 4g. View the latest Tip Sheets, Quick Start Guides, and Playground Tools on the Training Library. With these guiding principles in mind, please review the following resources developed by our training team: Training Library

  • Training is a condition of employment and will be compensated under standard work policy.
  • Proficiency is a condition of medical staff privileges.
  • End users will not receive log-on credentials until a proficiency test is passed.
  • UNC Health Care will require training and a proficiency test for all users.
  • The Training program is based on the following Guiding principles established at the outset of this project: The goal for training is to deliver a constructive, interactive, and self-motivated training program that allows users to develop knowledge, skill, and confidence using replaces a multitude of existing systems - this training program exists to ensure patient safety and quality care by providing all co-workers with a similar familiarity when using you still need assistance, send an email to or call the ISD Service Desk at Training background

    Epic training manual